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Even if it’s perhaps an underestimated form of art, photography is still in an uprise when it comes to the lovers of this little hobby. We might call it a…
Photography has been a part of our history over the last centuries. Pictures can nowadays be seen in newspapers and publications of every kind. The history of photography started around…
Nowadays everyone has a digital camera, a fact which, generally speaking, makes all of us photography enthusiasts. Whether we use them for selfies, or as tools to serve out favorite…
Today’s young generation is bold enough to choose their passion as their career. Even a decade earlier, people used to think twice before becoming a photographer. But today, youth choose…
Enhance Your Photography Skills with MDPS Photography Institute in Mumbai Photography means painting with light. Thus, photography is not just all about clicking random snaps, it is an art and…
Do you love clicking pictures? Are you passionate about it? But still unsure about which way to go to pursue a career in photography? Then Master’s Digital Photography School (MDPS)…
Get the right photography training you want with MDPS Based in the heart of the dream city – Mumbai, Master’s Digital Photography School (MDPS) aspires to produce a platform not…
Fashion Photography refers to displaying clothing and other fashion items which is most often conducted for advertisements or fashion magazines. Over time, it has developed its own esthetic in which…
Colorful Sunsets can be seen anywhere and we will help you photograph them better Photography Tips | Travel Photography | Shooting Sunsets The twilight hues, beautiful reds, oranges, the pinks…