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If most of the good photographers mesmerize you or by looking at a photograph, you start imagining how that photographer must have clicked it or if you start visualizing pictures…

Photography: An Art Fashion photography in Mumbai is on the rise! But it’s estimated that in the coming years, the photography market will be full of competition. That’s why it’s…
Photography: An Art Photography is an ecstatic art, for it reflects accurately, the actuality of what is captured. The traditional art, that is, painting can be manipulated by interpretational biases.…
The first thing that you need to do to take the best possible fashion portraits is to learn the rule of thirds. The best place for doing this is a…

If you are planning to pursue your career in photography to the highest level, then it’s important to learn everything about it. Acquiring basic photography knowledge and skills, students can…
If you have decided that you want to do photography as a career, the best way to start it is to get some education. While you can self-train and succeed,…
When you make up your mind that you want to learn photography, a big question you face is which kind, of course, will be perfect. Photography has always been a…
Every person has his own preferences. Some people like to sit at a desk and create awesome spreadsheets all day. On the other hand, some people like to go out…
Wedding photography is one of the most vibrant areas of photography. This is a great area to specialize in if you love to put a smile on someone’s face on…